Narrowband satellite communication monitors and controls oil & gas pipelines remotely

The global demand for oil and gas is forcing oil and gas exploration and production into more remote areas. Pipeline security is also increasingly important. Narrowband satellite communication is the most reliable solution for moving energy from deep water rigs, remote oil fields, unmanned platforms and across miles of pipelines. By using TSAT narrowband satellite systems oil fields and pipelines can become smarter and it is easier to monitor deep water rigs.

TSAT’s narrowband satellite solution for SCADA, M2M and Telemetry applications

TSAT’s narrowband satellite solution enables oil and gas exploration, production and pipeline companies to cost-effectively and reliably connect their remote assets and data to business-critical SCADA, M2M and Telemetry applications.

Complement terrestrial networks with TSAT narrowband satellites for continuous operations

Remote well and pipeline sites are dependent on having backup communications solutions in place, in case of system failures, to maintain continuous operations. If terrestrial networks are the primary communications infrastructure, oil and gas companies need a complementary satellite system to complement, integrate or replace the terrestrial network for improved network resilience. Satellites are not affected by the circumstances that cause terrestrial communications to fail.

By complementing terrestrial networks with TSAT’s narrowband satellite solution, oil and gas companies can:

  • Monitoring pressure, level, temperatures real-time
  • Ensure fiscal metering or custody transfer systems
  • Control pumps, valves and compressors
  • Quickly activate emergency shut-down systems (ESD)
  • Monitor corrosion
  • Detect leaks
  • Monitor drilling and pipelines
  • Ensure pipeline security and surveillance
  • Secure access control.

Benefits with narrowband satellite communication for oil and gas companies

By deploying a TSAT based solution, oil and gas companies can ensure:

Low recurring cost

TSAT will tailor satellite bandwidth to actual use. The -efficient operating model makes TSAT an affordable solution.

Improved cyber security

TSAT is a private network and is not connected to the internet. This ensures increased cyber security.

Maximum uptime

TSAT networks can be implemented with a geo-redundant and load-sharing HUB to ensure connectivity at all times.


Gas trasmittor selects TSAT for backhauling SCADA data

Gas transmission: The Italian company SNAM Rete Gas operates a 32,000km long gas pipeline network, and is one of Europe’s leading regulated gas utilities. The company looked for a suitable satellite communication solution that could seamlessly integrate with its terrestrial based wireless infrastructure for back hauling SCADA data to its national control center.

Gas pipeline operator selects TSAT with geo redundent HUBs and remote terminals

Gassco, outside Haugesund on Norway’s west coast is responsible for operating the 7,800km long subsea pipeline network in the North Sea that delivers natural gas to the UK, France, Belgium and Germany. Due to the critical nature of Gassco’s operation, the hostile environment of the North Sea and at the landing terminals, TSAT’s non-terrestrial solution, geo-redundant HUBs at the control centers interfaced to the ABB top end SCADA systems and remote terminals offers high reliability and security was required for the SCADA system and pipeline control center.

Oil and gas exploration company to increase pipeline control and reduce downtime and costs

Santos Ltd. is a major Australian oil and gas exploration and production company with interests and operations in every Australian petroleum province as well as the United States, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Egypt. Santos Ltd. is one of Australia’s top 50 companies. With operational problems, TSAT’s satellite-based solution offered a load-sharing HUB connected to a Citect SCADA system with 26 remote terminals,

Gas trading, transmission and distribution company selects TSAT to operate pipeline efficiently

Verbundnetz Gas AG (VNG) based in Leipzig, Germany is a privatized gas trading, transmission and distribution company with a 7,298 km long pipeline network extending all over eastern Germany, running through scarcely populated areas. With TSAT’s network with redundant HUBs and 60 remote stations, VNG is able to operate the pipeline more efficiently without compromising safety, and at reduced cost.